Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Too busy!!!! Day 15?

Yes it is day 15! WOO! Only 5 more days of workout 2 then on to 3... I have to say that workout 2 is making me sweat like no ones business! It looks like I dumped water on the top part of my head. Today sweat got in my eye.... but it was ok because I just imagined that I was like the female Rocky! hahaha.

So, I've been super busy with Our Town, and it's the last 2 weeks of school so I haven't really had time to write. I've been keeping up with the workout though. I'm very proud of myself for sticking it out! I'm proud of all of us! I've lost 3lbs ish since the last time I had weighed myself... so I thought that was pretty cool. Also, I notice when I'm standing around somewhere I start doing squat movements and other stretches because I can't keep still.... I think that's great. Also, the battery in my car is officially dead... BUT that's ok because it gets me walking to classes and what not. WOO!

15 more days! We got this ladies! :) Oh yeah! Also, it's 15 more days till my birthday too! WOOT!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Holy Beh-Jesus

Whew.... that was freaking intense. I started Level 2 today.... Gah! I must say, my arms are definitely feeling it... and all of the planking made my hands hurt a little. Our floor is really hard. That was definitely a good work out though... I'm still sweating. Jillian didn't even do half the workout and SHE was all tired! Damn... Well... I'm glad the first day of it all is over. Now I know what to do, and I can try to do it with music instead of Jillian. I wonder what to do about all the plank parts though because seriously my hands hurt.... perhaps it will get easier.

I cannot believe that school is almost over.... CRAZY!!!!! Our Town opens next Friday... woot. Who knows what this summer will bring me.... It'll be an adventure that's for sure! OH, and I REFUSE to work at St. Ives EVER again!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everything is awesome!!!

So, the birthday party went REALLY well!!! :) I was so excited about how many people showed up, and Bothe was really happy.

Today is day 10!!!! I can't believe it! I was a little worried that I wasn't going to feel up to doing workout 2 tomorrow... but actually I'm TOTALLY ready!!! I made that workout my bitch today! I can definitely tell a difference in my body. I was sitting in class and flexed my leg muscles and let me tell you, they are getting rock hard!! :D I am a little concerned with my eating... I'm trying to do better, but yesterday I had sonic (for Bothe's birthday) granted it was a grilled chicken wrap... but still... and then at the party I had some chips and stuff... oh and a piece of pie... I think all in all it balances out, but I am trying to make better choices... I have been drinking so much water it is ridiculous. I officially feel like I'm without something when I don't my water bottle now. I also noticed that if I don't have my water bottle on my I feel way more thirsty... my body is weird.

We started water gun mafia today!! hahahaha! I'm a don and Dede is my second! Chelsea you would be proud! :) I know that when we have our shoot out on Sunday I'll be able to run pretty far because I'm not as out of shape anymore... still not perfect, but getting better.

Tomorrow is day 11... and workout 2! I know I can do it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Definitely feeling better

Yesterday my back still hurt a little so I didn't want to do anything too strenuous. I also really really didn't want to skip the workout... So, Dede being the amazing roommate she is lent me a walking video where you walk one mile in place. It was low impact and therefore allowed for my back to heal itself. :)

This morning I was a little reluctant to get out of bed... mostly because it's Bothe's birthday, and I wanted to spend the day with him. I separated myself and came to do the workout anyway. I'm definitely glad I did. Let me tell you though; missing one day of that work out definitely makes it a little more difficult the next day.

I have survived though!!!! Day 9 ... ish... I'm not sure if I can count it because the walking thing might have been cheating.... meh... maybe we'll say day 8.75 hahaha. Anyway I have things to do... so peace out!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Uh oh...

Well... I went to an open mic night in San Luis last night. It was a lot of fun, but we didn't roll into town until 4:30 this morning. I slept until 11 so I got a decent amount of sleep. I was worried I wouldn't feel up to the work out. Well... I did it anyway. It went well except I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back doing something. I might have slept wrong... or maybe I was jumping-jacking too hard... heh ... that's funny.

Anyway, I did all the push ups today... and perhaps even an extra one. :) My back really hurts though. I've been stretching it out while doing homework today... Hopefully it feels better by tomorrow so I can fully do tomorrows work out.....

Also, the open mic made me really want to get a couple songs together to play just so I can get over this fear I have of playing music in front of people... I over criticize myself... well... I'm going to go take a hot shower. :)


Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a wonderful day today

Day 6 done! I got up this morning and knew it was going to be a good day! I did the work out and definitely feel like I'm getting better. I only had to pause on the side lunge arm raise thingies because those make my arms tired! I am using the 5 lb weights more and more often. I can definitely see an increase in my endurance not just in the work out, but for the whole day. The rest of the day should be very exciting as well. The work out is basically becoming routine which is definitely pretty awesome!!!! YAY!

OH! P.S. I bought the Assjack cd today... Hank Williams iii's metal band! AWWWWWEEESOOOME!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'll catch you up on 4 and here's 5!!! :)

I am feeling great! I have a ton of energy, and I am walking on sunshine (no pun intended... :)). I forgot to write about how yesterday went. It was awesome! I did it in the morning, and by the evening I felt I could do it again... although I didn't because that would just be crazy. Haha. I turned off her voice yesterday... man... that made it a lot easier. Although it was more difficult to see when she was moving on from abs and push ups and what not because I couldn't hear her... oh well... it was still nice.

So... today is day 5 for me. I decided I'm going to take pictures at every 10 days. I took some on day 1. I'll take more on days 10, 20, and 30. My endurance has definitely increased, and I was able to do a lot more push ups than on day 1. Also, I used my own music today. Techno always gets me pumped hahaha. It was really cool because a Muppet remix song came on at the same time as the punches, and the beats matched up it was awesome! My form is increasing AND I'm getting over my cold! YAY!!!!!!! All in all I think this is going really well. I can't wait to see my body change over the next few weeks. Keep it up everyone! We're doing soooo goooood!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

WOO Day 3!!!

I woke up this morning, and I was able to get out of bed without wincing. Well... it still hurt a little, but I am definitely getting used to the feeling. :)

I knew I wanted to do the work out again. I want to stay motivated and prove to myself that I can accomplish goals I set for myself. Oddly enough, the day I started was April 12... on day 30 the last day for this specific program it will be May 12... my 22 birthday! :) I'm super excited!

So, day 3 is done. I'm sweaty, sore, and super excited! It will get easier as I get stronger, and the prospects of getting in shape are so alluring!!! WOO!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 2

So I started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shredder yesterday. I must say my thighs hurt so bad today. Going up and down stairs was pretty brutal. I just finished my second day. Man, it was definitely a little easier, but I'm definitely still feeling it. I'm way excited to start making some positive changes in my life. WOOO working out!!!!