Friday, April 16, 2010

I'll catch you up on 4 and here's 5!!! :)

I am feeling great! I have a ton of energy, and I am walking on sunshine (no pun intended... :)). I forgot to write about how yesterday went. It was awesome! I did it in the morning, and by the evening I felt I could do it again... although I didn't because that would just be crazy. Haha. I turned off her voice yesterday... man... that made it a lot easier. Although it was more difficult to see when she was moving on from abs and push ups and what not because I couldn't hear her... oh well... it was still nice.

So... today is day 5 for me. I decided I'm going to take pictures at every 10 days. I took some on day 1. I'll take more on days 10, 20, and 30. My endurance has definitely increased, and I was able to do a lot more push ups than on day 1. Also, I used my own music today. Techno always gets me pumped hahaha. It was really cool because a Muppet remix song came on at the same time as the punches, and the beats matched up it was awesome! My form is increasing AND I'm getting over my cold! YAY!!!!!!! All in all I think this is going really well. I can't wait to see my body change over the next few weeks. Keep it up everyone! We're doing soooo goooood!!!!!


  1. I am thinking of moving on to my own music too. That music on the video is awful and Lord knows I can't listen to Jillian any more!

  2. thats a great idea!!!! Congrats ladies!!! We rock the sock drawer!!
