Thursday, April 22, 2010

Holy Beh-Jesus

Whew.... that was freaking intense. I started Level 2 today.... Gah! I must say, my arms are definitely feeling it... and all of the planking made my hands hurt a little. Our floor is really hard. That was definitely a good work out though... I'm still sweating. Jillian didn't even do half the workout and SHE was all tired! Damn... Well... I'm glad the first day of it all is over. Now I know what to do, and I can try to do it with music instead of Jillian. I wonder what to do about all the plank parts though because seriously my hands hurt.... perhaps it will get easier.

I cannot believe that school is almost over.... CRAZY!!!!! Our Town opens next Friday... woot. Who knows what this summer will bring me.... It'll be an adventure that's for sure! OH, and I REFUSE to work at St. Ives EVER again!!!!

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